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Benzathine penicillin G 2400000IU Penidure LA Injection

Trade Name:– Peniben LA 24

Manufacturer: Vysali pharma

Presentation: Injection

Strength:  2400000IU


What is Benzathine penicillin G 2400000IU Penidure LA Injection?

Benzathine Penicillin G 2400000IU Penidure LA Injection is an anti-infection used to treat an assortment of bacterial diseases. It is powerful in dealing with a sore throat and physically sent sicknesses like Syphilis. This medication is additionally used to forestall some bacterial diseases like rheumatic fever.

Benzathine benzylpenicillin, otherwise called benzathine penicillin G, is an anti-microbial medicine helpful for the treatment of various bacterial contaminations. Explicitly, it is utilized to treat strep throat, diphtheria, syphilis, and yaws. It is additionally used to forestall rheumatic fever. It is given by infusion into a muscle.


How is Benzathine penicillin G 2400000IU Penidure LA Injection used?

Penidure LA 24 Injection is a long-acting kind of penicillin, which fundamentally battles and stops the development of the gram-positive sort of microscopic organisms. It is given as an infusion into the muscle under the oversight of a medical care proficient. It ought to be utilized consistently according to the timetable endorsed by your PCP. Try not to skirt any portions and finish the full course of treatment regardless of whether you feel much improved. Halting the medication too soon may prompt contamination to return or deteriorate. The all-out span of treatment and exact dose will be chosen by your primary care physician, contingent upon the kind of disease that you have and how well you react to the prescription.

Common Side effects of Benzathine penicillin G 2400000IU Penidure LA Injection:

Before taking this medication, illuminate your primary care physician on the off chance that you are hypersensitive to penicillin or any penicillin-sort of medication. Rash, unfavorably susceptible to responses, torment, growth, and redness at the site of infusions, might be viewed as incidental effects in certain patients. This is impermanent and as a rule, resolved rapidly. Counsel your primary care physician if any of these incidental effects continue or if your condition declines. This medication is for the most part viewed as protected from use during pregnancy whenever utilized under a specialist’s oversight. The incidental effects incorporate unfavorably susceptible responses, including hypersensitivity and torment at the site of infusion. At this point, when used to treat syphilis, a response known as the Jarisch – Herxheimer may happen. This is anything but suggested in those with a background marked by penicillin sensitivity or those with syphilis, including the sensory system. Use during pregnancy is by and large protected. I am in my penicillin and beta-lactam class of meds and work through benzylpenicillin. The benzathine part leisurely deliveries the penicillin making the mix long-acting. For more details, click here.

Maker: Vysali pharma

Show: Injection

Strength:  2400000IU

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