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Cromolyn Sodium 4% 5ml Cromal Forte Eye Drops

Brand Name: Cromal Forte

Manufacturer: Cipla

Presentation: Eye Drop

Strength: 5ml


What is Cromal Forte Eye Drop?

Cromal Forte Eye Drop is a medicine used to treat allergic eye diseases. It helps provide relief from allergy symptoms such as inflammation (redness and swelling), itchiness, and watery eyes.

HowCromal Forte Eye Drop is used?

Cromal Forte Eye Drop is for external use only. Follow the instructions given by your doctor and use this medicine regularly to get the most benefit. You should gently squeeze the dropper and place the medicine inside the lower eyelid and wipe off extra liquid.  Always wash your hands and do not touch the end of the dropper. This could infect your eye. Make sure you remove contact lenses if you wear them and wait for at least 15 minutes before putting them back.  Never use a bottle if the seal is broken before you use it for the first time.

It is generally safe to use, but you might experience a stinging sensation on the application. If these bother you or you experience any other side effects, let your doctor know. There may be ways of reducing or preventing them.

Do not use this medicine, if you have an eye problem (glaucoma) and untreated eye infection. Your doctor should also know about all other medicines you are taking as many of these may make this medicine less effective or change the way it works. This medicine is usually not safe to take during pregnancy and breastfeeding, ask from the doctor if required.

Cromal Forte Eye Drop helps relieve symptoms of allergic eye disease such as redness, swelling, itching, and watering of the eyes. This medicine works by decreasing the production of certain chemicals that cause inflammation of the eyes. This will make it easier for you to go about your daily activities. Use it as prescribed to get the most benefit. If you see no improvement even after a week, talk to your doctor.

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Brand Name: Cromal Forte

Manufacturer: Cipla

Presentation: Eye Drop

Strength: 5ml

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