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Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec

Trademark: Cyclotec

Maker: United Biotech

Show: Capsule

Strength: 250mg

What is the use of Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec?

Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec is an anti-toxin medication used to treat drug-safe tuberculosis. It is by and large utilized in blend with different prescriptions. This medication is utilized when the microscopic organisms have created protection from different anti-microbials.

How Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec can be used?

Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec may be taken with or without food. You should take it routinely at uniformly dispersed spans according to the portion and timetable endorsed by your PCP. Taking it simultaneously consistently will assist you with making sure to take it. You should consistently finish a full course of this anti-infection as endorsed by your primary care physician. Try not to quit taking it until you have completed, in any event, when you feel good. If you quit taking it early, a few microscopic organisms may endure and the contamination may return.

Side effects of Cycloserine Capsule 250mg Cyclotec:

The most widely recognized results of this medication incorporate cognitive decline, disarray, sleep deprivation (trouble resting), and tipsiness. Illuminate your primary care physician on the off chance that you experience skin rashes, quakes, fits, issues with discourse or development, misery, or different changes in the state of mind, musings, or conduct.


Before utilizing it, you should tell your primary care physician if you are hypersensitive to any anti-infection agents or have any kidney or liver issues. Pregnant and breastfeeding moms ought not to take this medication. Your primary care physician may get ordinary blood and pee tests while going through treatment with this medication. For more details click here.

Trademark: Cyclotec

Maker: United Biotech

Show: Capsule

Strength: 250mg

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