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Lamivudine + Stavudine + Nevirapine Emtri 30 mg

Trademark:- EMTRI


Show: Tablet

Strength: 30mg


What is Lamivudine + Stavudine + Nevirapine Entry 30mg?

Lamivudine + Stavudine + Nevirapine Entry 30 mg Tablets is a mix of antiretrovirals meds. It recommends treating HIV (human immunodeficiency infection) disease. It supports the unsusceptibility to battle against HIV to oversee or treat (AIDS).

How Lamivudine + Stavudine + Nevirapine Entry 30mg is used?

Entry 150mg/30mg/200mg Tablet limits the development of HIV in the body and lessens the danger of getting HIV-related entanglements to improve the life expectancy of a person. The medication ought to take in a vacant stomach for better viability. Taking these medications consistently simultaneously expands their adequacy. A portion of this medication ought not to miss as it can influence your recuperation. It is essential to finish the full course of the treatment until your primary care physician encourages you to stop it.

Side effects of Lamivudine + Stavudine + Nevirapine Entry 30mg:

Normal symptoms of this medication incorporate cerebral pain, sluggishness, inconvenience dozing, queasiness, looseness of the bowels, dryness in the mouth, fever, and rash. These results are for the most part brief, however on the off chance that they endure or become genuine advise your primary care physician. This medication can likewise cause you to feel unsteady or languid, so it encourages you to abstain from driving. Also, stay away from liquor utilization as it might expand the force of the results.

Before beginning with the treatment, you ought to counsel your primary care physician if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any medical issues. Your PCP may propose customary blood tests to check your blood tallies and other real capacities. On the off chance that you are HIV positive, you ought not to breastfeed or share individual effects like razors or toothbrushes. Counsel your PCP to think about safe sex strategies to forestall transmission of HIV during intercourse. For more details, click here.

Trademark: – EMTRI


Show: Tablet

Strength: 30mg

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