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Mycophenolic acid 180mg Mofecon-S DR tablet

Trade Name: Mofecon-S

Manufacturer: Concord biotech

Presentation: Tablets

Strength: 180mg


What is mycophenolic acid used for?

Mofecon-S DR tablet has a place with a get-together of meds called immunosuppressants. It is utilized with various medications to hold your body back from excusing an organ (like a kidney, heart, or liver) after a transfer. It works by smothering your body’s protected framework with the goal that it doesn’t attack the new organ.

The proportion of Mofecon-S DR tablets you take and how regularly you take it relies upon the kind of relocation you have. Stick to your PCP’s guidelines on this. You ought to take it on an unfilled stomach, in any event, an hour earlier or 2 hours after supper. Swallow it, with everything taken into account, don’t pulverize, nibble, or break it. Take the drug regularly to get the best benefit and keep on taking it whether or not you feel much better. If you quit taking it, you might build the possibility of excusing your relocated organ. The treatment will continue however long you really want it to thwart excusal.

What are the side effects of Mofecon-S DR tablet?

The most generally perceived aftereffects are queasiness, hurling, runs, stomach torture, headache, hypertension, and changes in the number of white platelets. You might get more defilement than anticipated as prescription smothers the invulnerable framework. There is additionally an expanded gamble of developing a few tumors in this way. To reduce your gamble of skin harm, limit your openness to the sun and use sunscreen. There is a not-inconsequential rundown of conceivable secondary effects with this prescription. You ought to get some information about them and what signs to pay extraordinary psyche to in light of the fact that some of them can be serious and need squeezing clinical thought.


Mofecon-S 360 Tablet DR can cause birth abandons at an early end so don’t take it on the off risk that you are pregnant, aiming to get pregnant, or breastfeeding. You ought to speak with your primary care physician preceding taking this drug in case you have any indications of tainting or if you have any unexpected swelling or kicking the bucket. You ought to likewise permit your clinical benefits to a gathering to know any excess meds you are taking as they might impact, or be affected by, this prescription. You will have standard tests to check for any progressions in the number of your platelets and the proportion of sugar and cholesterol in your blood. Read More

Benefits of Mycophenolic acid :

Mofecon-S DR tablet has a place with a get-together of prescriptions known as immunosuppressive specialists. It brings down your safe reaction and diminishes the chance of your body attacking the relocated organ. Organ excusal happens when your immune framework regards the new organ as an interloper and assaults it. This prescription may be utilized in a mix with various meds to smother the immune framework and help your body with enduring the new organ.

Trade Name: Mofecon-S

Manufacturer: Concord biotech

Presentation: Tablets

Strength: 180mg

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