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Ciprofloxacin Floxip 250 Tablet

Trade Name:– Floxip

Manufacturer: Abbott

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  250mg


What is ciprofloxacin 250mg used for?

Ciprofloxacin Floxip 250 Tablet is an anti-toxin, applied withinside the remedy of bacterial diseases. It is also applied in treating contaminations of the urinary lot, nose, throat, pores and skin and sensitive tissues, and lungs (pneumonia). It fixes the ailment through murdering and halting the improvement of impossible to resist microorganisms.

How Ciprofloxacin Floxip 250 tablet used?

Ciprofloxacin Floxip 250 Tablet have to be applied withinside the element and duration as exhorted through your doctor. It will be curious about or with out food, preferably at a hard and fast time. Try now no longer to keep away from any dosages and end the whole path of remedy irrespective of whether or not you experience good. Try now no longer to take a twofold element to catch up on a ignored element. Just receive the subsequent element as arranged

Common side effects of this medicine:

You may encounter queasiness as a result of this medication. This is normally impermanent and settles all alone, however, if it’s not too much trouble, counsel your doctor in the event that it disturbs you or endures for a more extended span. The runs may likewise happen as a result however should stop when your course is finished. Educate your doctor in the event that it doesn’t stop or on the off chance that you discover blood in your stools.


You ought not to take this medication on the off chance that you are sensitive to any of its fixings. Infrequently, a few groups may have a serious unfavorably susceptible response that needs earnest clinical consideration. Indications of this incorporate rash, growing of the lips, tongue, or face, windedness, or breathing issues. Exceptional consideration ought to be taken in individuals with kidney issues while taking this medication. Read More

Trade Name: Floxip

Manufacturer: Abbott

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 250mg

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