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Propanolol 10mg Tablet Provanol

Brand Name: Provanol

Manufacturer: Intas Pharma

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  10mg


What is Propanolol 10mg Tablet Provanol?

Propanolol 10mg Tablet Provanol belongs to a gathering of prescriptions called beta-blockers. It assists with diminishing nervousness and mitigate quakes. It is likewise used to assist with forestalling headaches, heart-related chest torment (angina), and draining in the stomach brought about by hypertension in the liver (entrance hypertension).

How Propanolol 10mg Tablet Provanol is used?

Propanolol 10mg Tablet Provanol may likewise be utilized to treat hypertension and a few sorts of unusual heartbeat (arrhythmia). The portion will rely upon what you are being treated for and how you answer the medication. You ought to constantly accept it as recommended by the specialist. It should be taken on an unfilled stomach and attempt to take it simultaneously every day. You should continue to take it regardless of whether you feel great, as you are as yet getting the advantages. In the event that you quit taking it unexpectedly, your condition might deteriorate.

Side effects of  Tablet:-

This medication’s most normal aftereffects are sleepiness, shortcoming cold fingers and toes (Raynaud peculiarity), unpredictable or slow heartbeat, deadness in your fingers, and windedness. You may likewise encounter queasiness, heaving, and the runs. Converse with your primary care physician on the off chance that the incidental effects annoy you or don’t disappear. Most aftereffects are brief and improve as your body becomes accustomed to the medication.

You ought not utilize this medication assuming you have asthma, extremely sluggish or lopsided pulses, or a genuine heart condition, including cardiovascular breakdown. Converse with your primary care physician prior to taking it in the event that you have kidney or liver issues or ongoing obstructive pneumonic sickness (COPD). As far as way of life, liquor might influence the way this medication works and ought to be kept away from. You ought not drive in the event that this medication causes you to feel mixed up. Find out if it is protected to take this medication assuming you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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Brand Name: Provanol

Manufacturer: Intas Pharma

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  10mg

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