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sildenafil 50 mg Tablet Cenforce

Brand Name: Cenforce

Manufacturer: Centurian Laboratories

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  100mg


What issildenafil 50 mg Tablet Cenforce ?

sildenafil 50 mg Tablet Cenforce is a doctor-prescribed medication used to treat erectile brokenness (feebleness) in men. It works by expanding the blood stream to the penis. This assists men with getting or keeping an erection. It has a place with a gathering of meds known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.

How sildenafil 50 mg Tablet Cenforce is used?

sildenafil 50 mg Tablet Cenforce might be taken on an unfilled stomach or with a feast. It ought to be rigorously taken as exhorted by your primary care physician. You should require around 1 hour before you intend to have intercourse. The measure of time it takes to work differs from one individual to another, however it regularly takes between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. This medication will possibly assist you with getting an erection on the off chance that you are explicitly invigorated. Nonetheless, you ought not take this medication in the event that you don’t have erectile brokenness. It ought not be required more than once every day.

Common Side effects of the tablet.

The most widely recognized results of this medication are flushing (feeling of warmth), migraine, discombobulation, obscured vision, muscle torment, stomach upset, and rash. Converse with your primary care physician if any of the results trouble you or don’t disappear.

This medication isn’t proposed for use by ladies and men ought to try not to utilize some other meds to get weakness without talking a specialist first. It tends to be risky to take it alongside medications called nitrates (regularly given for chest agony or angina). Try not to take this medication on the off chance that you have serious heart or liver issues, have as of late suffered a heart attack or coronary episode or in the event that you have low pulse. Inform your primary care physician as to whether you experience the ill effects of these or some other medical conditions prior to taking it. You ought not drive if this medication causes you to feel dazed. Abstain from drinking liquor while accepting this medication as it builds the odds of results.

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Brand Name: Cenforce

Manufacturer: Centurian Laboratories

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  100mg

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