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Warfarin 1mg Tablet Warf

Brand Name: Warf

Manufacturer: Cipla

Presentation: Tablet

Strength:  1mg


What is Warfarin 1mg Tablet?

Warfarin 1mg Tablet is an oral anticoagulant that foils the arrangement of grievous blood bunches in the legs, lungs, cerebrum, and heart. It is utilized for huge vein breakage, aspiratory embolism, and stroke assumption.

How Warfarin 1mg Tablet is used?

Warfarin 1mg Tablet ought to be taken as incited by the informed authority. You could take it paying little mind to food yet it is more canny to require some speculation. This medication ought not be halted startlingly without talking with a prepared proficient. You ought to acknowledge this medicine regularly to get the most benefit, whether you feel fine.

Take this medication in the part and length as reproved by your fundamental thought specialist. Swallow down it as a whole. Try not to snack, pound or break it. Warf 1 Tablet may be taken paying little mind to food, yet taking it at a legitimate time is better.Avoid Warf 1 Tablet with Vitamin K-rich food like spinach, collards, broccoli, spring onions, cucumber, and dried basil.

Common side effects of this Tablet:

Utilization of this medication could develop your gamble of passing on. Tell your PCP quickly on the off chance that you see a pinpoint rash or blood in your regurgitates, pee, or stool. In the event that you are going under any activity or dental treatment, you could have to stop this medication for quite a while yet solely ensuing to bantering with your fundamental thought specialist.


Preceding taking it, you ought to prompt the expert if you are encountering any kidney or liver sickness. Moreover, let your essential consideration doctor in on whether you are pregnant or breastfeeding and basically the large number of different medicines that you are taking regularly….. Read More

Brand Name: Warf

Manufacturer: Cipla

Presentation: Tablet

Strength: 1mg

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